Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Analysis of the Sydney Opera House-Free-Samples for Students

Question: Write a report on one Tourist Destination in Melbourne. Answer: Opera house of Sydney The Sydney Opera House is one of the most famous 20th century architectures and performing arts places in the world. This beautiful building is considered to be the technological and cultural icon of Australia. It was designed and developed under the guidance of architect Jrn Utzon (Sydneyoperahouse.com, 2017). It is surrounded by Harbour Bridge, Circular Quay, Macquarie Street and Bennelong Point. It is consisted of an opera, a concert hall, a playhouse, a studio and drama theatres. The Opera House provides the spectators with mesmerizing experiences regarding theatres, drama, concerts and many more. The lights and sound effects take the visitors into a different level of ecstasy. Sydney Opera House Strength The Sydney Opera House contributes significantly in promoting the nations cultural tourism. The opera house contributes more than a billion to the Australian economy. The opera house organizes over 40 shows every week. The programs include opera, comedy, music, theatre, dance and tours (Sydneyoperahouse.com, 2017). The tourists can experience access tour where they can dine and wine when they are visiting inside the building. The backstage tours offer the exposure to the dynamics of stage shows. The architectural beauty of the House lures the visitors. Along with this, portraying the cultural heritage in its exact form enhances the brand image of Australian tourism as a whole. Weakness The backstage facility is not adequate. The orchestra pit in the house is in bad condition and not capable of producing quality sound (Musicinaustralia.org.au, 2017). The acoustic arrangement is also inconsistent. The bad stunt experiences have stained the reputation of Sydney Opera House. These stains have aggravated the complexities of the tourism industry personnel in terms of achieving customer satisfaction. Viewing it from other perspective, inadequacy in the backstage has declined the number of performers. Reduction in the number of performers has stalled the income generation for the tourism industry personnel (Drew, 2013). Opportunity The iconic status of the place offers great opportunities for the local and international artists to reach wider and diverse audience. The tourists of different nationality can avail the tour with guidance in their own languages. The tour is available in Mandarin, Korean, Japanese, Spanish, German and French. The website or online promotion can help to get more tourists and meet their target. As a matter of specification, gift vouchers, free passes and offering lip smacking fusion dishes acts as a keystone for the tourism industry personnel in terms of luring large number of customers. Adopting the means of social media for this would result in escalating the sales revenue and adding value to the profit margin (Sydneyoperahouse.com, 2017). Threats Negligent attitude towards the achievement of infrastructural development pose as a major threat for Sydney Opera House. Specifically, it would add meager value to the income of the tourism industry personnel. As a matter of specification, failure in terms of revealing spontaneous attitude towards improving the backstage facilities put the employment of the performers and the personnel at stake. Moreover, it would act as a compromise with the entertainment needs of the tourists in terms of preserving the cultural heritage (Blake, 2015). Lack of consciousness in this direction would destroy the hard earned reputation and glory of Sydney Opera House, which would be a shameful incident in the history of Australia. Figure: SWOT Analysis of The Sydney Opera House (Source: Made by author) Comparison between Sydney House Opera and Adelaide Festival Centre The competitors of Sydney Opera House are Adelaide Festival centre, which operates under the state opera of Australia. In terms of origin, this theatre is much older than the Sydney Opera House. Architecturally also both the theatres are much different from one another. The dome shape of Adelaide Festival centre contrasts the lotus shape of the Sydney Opera House. One of the other differences is the stage shows (Adelaidefestivalcentre.com.au, 2017). The stage shows of Adelaide Festival centre is limited till the provinces of southern Australia, while Sydney Opera House acts as a platform for the performers from all the corners of the world. The provision of cafes and food courts ties both the tourist spots in the same thread in terms of luring the customers towards the brand image of Australian tourism. References Adelaidefestivalcentre.com.au (2017), Home of performing arts in South Australia, Retrieved 18th August 2017 from https://www.adelaidefestivalcentre.com.au/ Australia targets China for tourism boost. (2013).ABC News. Retrieved 17 August 2017, from https://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-06-04/china-tourism-boom/4732668 Blake, E. (2015).Sydney Opera House cracks down on selfie sticks.The Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved 17 August 2017, from https://www.smh.com.au/entertainment/sydney-opera-house-cracks-down-on-selfie-sticks-20150702-gi3bob.html Drew, P. (2013).Performance anxiety as the Sydney Opera House turns 40.Theaustralian.com.au. Retrieved 17 August 2017, from https://www.theaustralian.com.au/arts/review/performance-anxiety-as-the-sydney-opera-house-turns-40/news-story/9d95edaeefc9d86af72274f1d4ec2ce1 Music in Australia. (2017).Musicinaustralia.org.au. Retrieved 17 August 2017, from https://musicinaustralia.org.au/index.php?title=SWOT_Analysis_of_Opera_-_2008 Our Story. (2017).Sydney Opera House. Retrieved 17 August 2017, from https://www.sydneyoperahouse.com/our-story.html Overseas Arrivals and Departures, Australia, Jan 2016. (2015).Abs.gov.au. Retrieved 17 August 2017, from https://www.abs.gov.au/AUSSTATS/abs@.nsf/allprimarymainfeatures/049C2242202DCE7ACA257F8D00222DF1?opendocument Sydney Opera House Annual Report 2015-16. (2015).Sydneyoperahouse.com/. Retrieved 17 August 2017, from https://www.sydneyoperahouse.com/content/dam/pdfs/annual-reports/Sydney_Opera_House_Annual_Report_2015-16.pdf

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